by Veronica Booth, Development Coordinator

With sunny skies finally giving us some hope for an end to our soggy winter, it’s a perfect time to give your home and spaces a refresh. Warmer weather gets us not only shedding extra layers, but also some of the clutter and unused items we inevitably collect during the year. Is that mixing bowl set your Aunt gave you during the holidays taking up space on your shelves? I know just the place to bring it! 

While purging and cleaning is already a satisfying and rewarding experience, donating your items to organizations like Community Warehouse also ensures that your items are being put to good use! We here at Community Warehouse are serving more and more clients as we are ramping up our services to pre-pandemic levels, and we are in constant need of inventory. Your gently used household furniture and items can help make the difference between eating on the floor with paper plates, and sharing a home-cooked dinner around a charmingly set table. Please be sure to follow us on social media as we often post our most-needed items and other urgent needs. 

Of course, we are immensely proud of what we do, but we are just one of the many amazing organizations that are doing our part to provide an alternative to the waste stream that is negatively impacting both our environment and community. From mattresses and household appliances to building materials and arts & crafts supplies, there is a place to take your unwanted items and make a positive impact to our neighbors and community.

Recently, Community Warehouse was featured in an article by Metro that highlighted local non-profits that make both reuse and community a focus of their missions. We were so thankful and proud to be mentioned in this great group. Please check it out to learn more about these organizations and the important work that they are doing. Additionally, our website features an extensive list of resources for places to donate the items that we do not take. As with us, please call and check out their websites before bringing donations. As non-profits with limited space, our needs and capacities are always shifting, so that extra effort saves your time and ours. Thank you so much for supporting Community Warehouse and for doing your part to make a difference in your neighborhood and ours!

Attention: Client appointments, and Estate Store shopping at our Portland location (3969 NE MLK Jr Blvd) are temporarily closed due to an urgent facilities issue. Furniture donations will resume with regular business hours effective Tuesday, April 1. We understand this may cause inconvenience and appreciate your patience and support as we work to resolve the issue quickly and responsibly.