Home Safe

Home Safe

After carrying the plate for a very long time, he finally had a place where he felt he was home safe…

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This Works. This Really Works.

This Works. This Really Works.

A donor came into our Tualatin Warehouse to donate several pieces of wall art. A few days later, she realized she had donated a piece she intended to keep.

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A Small Window of Joy

A Small Window of Joy

One Wednesday morning, I was in the midst of writing a report when I heard giggles floating through my office door…I had to investigate.

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It Felt Like Home

It Felt Like Home

A young mother Annie visited the Warehouse with her infant and two children. They are beginning to rebuild their life after a domestic violence situation forced them into homelessness.

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Beautiful Moments

Beautiful Moments

We encounter different walks of life in our line of work. On average, we see about 50 families coming through the Warehouse every more

It’s amazing how much work can be accomplished by so few when the hearts are dedicated. You guys are the real deal.
Jane Green

Community Advocate