Your monetary contribution ensures that we’re able to continue furnishing homes of neighbors overcoming adversity. Thank you for supporting your local nonprofit furniture bank!

provides the comforts of home for five families

provides the comforts of home for one family

fuels our delivery trucks for one week

provides a desk and chair to a child
Consider a one-time donation. Any amount helps create warm and comfortable homes for our neighbors.
Become a monthly Sustaining Circle member! Our Sustainers provide stability – both to the Warehouse, and to the families we help.

Legacy Giving
Continue to make a difference in our community – even after your lifetime.
A bequest to Community Warehouse gives you peace of mind, knowing that you’ll make a positive impact for years to come. Any bequest, large or small, has a remarkable impact on our mission, and ultimately, on our community.
A bequest can include more than just cash – it can also include securities or property. So if you’re unable to make a monetary gift, you can still pass along any furnishings or homegoods, which are just as crucial to our mission. And, all gifts are exempt from federal estate taxes.
If you let Community Warehouse know of your plans, we’ll express our gratitude now by recognizing you as a member of our Legacy Circle.
To leave a gift in your will or living trust, share this sentence with your financial planner or attorney:
“I bequeath ($____ or _____% of my estate) to Community Warehouse, located at 3969 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Portland, OR.” Or, you can designate Community Warehouse as a beneficiary of your retirement account or life insurance policy. You can modify your bequest at any time if your circumstances change.
Have a question? We’re happy to help!

Have questions about giving funds to Community Warehouse? Contact our development team at
Community Warehouse is a 501(c)(3). Our tax ID number is 93-1310582.
Furniture can be a costly barrier to creating a stable home environment. Fortunately, we know there is enough furniture circulating in our community for everyone. And that’s where Community Warehouse steps in: connecting donated items to neighbors seeking the comfort and dignity of a furnished home.