Get together with your business, community group, friends, or family to support Community Warehouse. Hang out with your people, work on a project, and learn more about how we help our clients create their home sweet homes!

We can accommodate groups of up to 20 people depending on the location and activity. To get started, check out available activities below and then click the link to fill out the interest form.

Linen Rolling

Help us sort through donated linens to check for quality, measure, and bundle up for clients to take home for a good night’s rest in their.

Furniture Building

Gather funds, purchase furniture, and work together to assemble in-demand items to provide our clients an extra special touch with something new to put in their homes.

Blanket Making

Gather funds, purchase fleece, and work together to create cozy, no-sew blankets clients can curl up with as they settle into the comfort of a new home. 

New Home Kits

Gather funds, purchase items, and work together to assemble gift baskets and fill out postcards with “welcome home” messages for people setting up their space. We have 3 options: Meal Making Kit, Clean Home Kit, and Kids Bedtime Kit.

To express interest in any of the group volunteer opportunities listed above, fill out the form below and we’ll connect with you shortly. For questions about volunteer opportunities, contact Volunteer Supervisor Caty Williams at

Attention: Client appointments, and Estate Store shopping at our Portland location (3969 NE MLK Jr Blvd) are temporarily closed due to an urgent facilities issue. Furniture donations will resume with regular business hours effective Tuesday, April 1. We understand this may cause inconvenience and appreciate your patience and support as we work to resolve the issue quickly and responsibly.