It Felt Like Home

by Jessica Thompson, Operations

IMAGE_Success-Story-03A young mother Annie visited the Warehouse with her infant and two children. They are beginning to rebuild their life after a domestic violence situation forced them into homelessness.

When we arrived at their home to deliver their furnishings, my eyes took in their completely bare kitchen and living area. The counters and laminate floors were vacant. The bedrooms were hollow. Our voices echoed in the empty rooms. I couldn’t believe that Annie and her children had been living and sleeping in this space for over a week.

Our staff swiftly unloaded the truck, and as each furnishing was put in its place, I was struck by how immediately the space transformed. The echoey-empty rooms were filled with places to sit, eat, snuggle, and rest.

It felt like home.

I knew that, in a matter of minutes, we had significantly improved this family’s quality of life. When we left, Annie was organizing the kitchen and her little ones were tucked under blankets in their new beds.

It’s experiences like these that remind me how significant furnishings actually are in helping people rebuild their lives.

It’s amazing how much work can be accomplished by so few when the hearts are dedicated. You guys are the real deal.
Jane Green

Community Advocate