Spring Cleaning: 5 tips on Decluttering
and Making your space your own
by Desmond Fuller, Social Media Coordinator
Spring cleaning. For some of Decluttering makes your home more livable. Getting rid of redundant possessions not only renews our spaces but can provide useful household goods to those making new spaces themselves. Donating your still-useful household goods gives them renewed purpose with new people to appreciate them.
So, why can it be hard to get started on a deep clean? We often search our calendars for a good weekend only to find our schedules have gotten away from us. Even once we have a date set to tackle our cleaning or downsizing, it can be daunting to know where to start, and emotionally taxing to say goodbye to things.
“[People] need help to be okay with letting things go,” April Doll of Unstuff Professional Organizing says of those she helps with decluttering and downsizing. “So many reasons come up…I might need it, it was a gift, I paid a lot of money for it, etc. Once over that hurdle, it is about finding the right options for donation or recycling. Knowing something can be put to good use or disposed of properly really helps.”
Doll adds, “Indecision plays a big role [in accumulation]. If you can’t decide what to do with something or if you should keep it, it becomes something added to a pile or stash someplace. Those piles and stashes are delayed decisions.”
Here are some tips we can all use to overcome hesitation and indecision to get the most out of a day spent cleaning.
1. Start Big! In the much in vogue book, The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, Margareta Magnusson drops the simple and poignant tip, “Start with the large items in your home, and finish with the small.”
2. Celebrate giving! Magnusson stresses proactively donating and giving things away. “Sometimes you must just give cherished things away with the wish that they end up with someone who will create new memories of their own.”
3. Purpose to place! Organizers NW
4. Everything in its right place! Once you’ve cleaned and
5. Mess = Stress! Our clutter can be directly tied to our stress and is credited as a factor in triggering anxiety and depression. Clutter distracts us with excess stimuli, signaling our brains that there are constantly organization tasks in waiting that are also part of our environment as clutter begins to surround us. In short: mess equals stress.
When we set out to “spring clean” we’re reflecting on where we’re at and where we’d like to be by the time we’ve tied off the last Hefty bag and dropped off the last box of donations at our local organizations that can put them to good use. Spring cleaning is about owning our spaces, not letting them own us. Taking back the agency we let our possessions pacify.
So write down the tips we’ve gathered, grab a broom and some boxes. Shrug into some cut-offs and conquer your garage, living room or office before spring passes us by. And when you’ve amassed the body of household goods you need to pass along, remember to drop them off at your local furniture bank where they’ll go to homes in need.